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Classified ad listings are for current Club members only.


Do you have a plane to sell ? Send the information (50 words or less) with your name and contact info (telephone number, e-mail address, etc.) and a price. Pictures are encouraged but optional and must be in suitable format (i.e., jpg, bmp, etc.) .

Send the information to: 


Dynaflite Super Decathlon

Wingspan 89" - Fuselage Length 68" - Covered in Solartex - DLE 30 Gas Engine

Building plans included


​Jay Eicher: 561-302-0665

Radio control flight simulator with extra disks and transmitter included.




Les Berrent
Home: 561-865-8584

Cell: 561-886-7635


EME 35cc with
Auto starter and
Rear muffler

like new

new price: 399.00
Asking 275.00

Michael vinacco

Top Gun pilot wanted!

Do you think you can handle this ‘pocket rocket’ that can exceed 80 mph and gets very small very fast!

A fun, slow flyer but you will want to hit the afterburners on this baby!

Brand new, needs a quick assembly, two servos, battery and receiver.

Caution: extreme fun if you can handle this rocket!

Steal it at $150.00

...and fly it like you stole it !

Carbon cub $500 will take $400


Viper $350 backordered will take $250


Valient $230 will take $100


G-44 Widgeon $500 will take $400


DX 8 e receiver $330 will take $200


Jim Laing 


Toy Airplane

Hanging my Wings up! Age is forcing me to hang my wings up and I’m looking to sell my planes, equipment & tools.  The planes are great flyers and include Spektrum receivers.


Priced to move. Call me for a list of planes and other available tools and equipment.


Tommy Hartill:  954-729-8018.

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